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Increased participation and independence

Today’s society is far from a utopia of equality and social sustainability, but many people are working towards that goal. For example, the UN Agenda 2030 includes several sustainable development objectives for people with disabilities and Abilia is committed to achieving them. The reasoning is simple: a better and more sustainable future benefits everyone.


Health services’ mission is to give people with disabilities the support they need to be fully integrated in society. Integration means better health. In general people with disabilities perceive that they have not as good of a health compared to the general population. The fact is: people with a learning disability have considerably poorer health than the general population.


People with disabilities are more likely to be exposed to common causes of poor health such as poverty, poor housing, lack of employment and social isolation. What’s more, educational levels are also generally lower for people with special needs.


Abilia helps empower people to participate in society and to be more independent. With the right assistive tools, school children achieve better school results. Adults are more likely to work and have a meaningful job. This benefits not only the individual but also enriches our society as a whole.