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MEMOplanner creates safety for both the residents and their family members



By focusing on welfare technology in Järfälla Municipality, the participation, security and independence has increased, especially for the older residents, but also for their family members and the staff.


Eken's retirement home in Järfälla Municipality uses the cognitive aid MEMOplanner, which provides a clear overview of the day's activities, as well as activities in the following days.


It also shows which staff members are on duty, and what their names are, which creates a sense of security for the residents and their family members.


Elisabeth Helgöstam, Project Manager of welfare technology in Järfälla Municipality, believes that welfare technology focuses on people and not the actual equipment itself. Family members, residents and staff are very positive about MEMOplanner, as everyone receives the clear overview that is necessary for their daily proceedings. It creates a sense of security for the residents and their family members, as they are easily able to see what will be happening during the day, as well as what has happened throughout the day, when they come to visit.


The activities are shown using both picture and text and, before an activity is set to begin, a signal sounds as a reminder that something will be happening. The residents can press the picture on the screen to have the information read out to them via speech synthesis, e.g. what food will be served for lunch, which is a great help to people with impaired vision.


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The staff administers the information that is visible in MEMOplanner from a computer or tablet in the staff room. The information is stored in the web service myAbilia, and synchronises directly with MEMOplanner, which is fastened to the wall in both the dementia department and the care department.


Prior to using MEMOplanner, Eken's staff informed residents and family members of this information using notes on bulletins and in elevators. Thanks to MEMOplanner, the staff no longer need to change the notes that quickly become outdated. Instead, they now have a more secure and rapid way to share the information.


It is due to the commitment from the staff that Eken's residents have taken to this new system so well, says Elisabeth Helgöstam, who feels that MEMOplanner is simple, flexible and transparent.