What to do if your device is not working properly
Even though our products are designed to be resilient and reliable, we understand that sometimes problems do arise. If you are experiencing an issue, we recommend that you attempt the following in order to minimise the time you are without your device.
1. Try our Lightwriter FAQ pages
You may be able to correct the issue yourself. From here you can follow step-by-step instruction pages.
2. Reboot
Does your device turn on? If so, attempt a reboot. This may help fix any small quirks you might have been experiencing.
3. Download a User Guide
Visit the Our Products area and download a user guide for more technical information on how to configure your device.
4. Contact us
Our highly trained Technical Support team are available 9-5, Mon-Fri. They can help troubleshoot over the phone, and help determine if your device needs to be sent in for repairs (see our Repairs Procedure).
You can contact us by:
- Email: support@abilia.uk
- SMS: text message to 07518 037 058
- Phone: Michael 01954 281 222