"It's buzzing and whizzing in my head, like there are bees in there."
Heidel (40) gives a clear picture of the worry and confusion in the head, which is a well-known symptom for people with ADHD. She sees herself as a classic case of ADHD with hyperactivity, memory difficulties, forgetfulness, clumsiness, impulsive, easily distracted, disorganized and difficulties with self-regulation.

The diagnosis is often divided into three variants - hyperactive, inattentive or a combination of the two. As an adult, Heidel was diagnosed with the combined variant. But the symptoms have been there since childhood and even though those around her realized it was "something", it was only in adulthood and on her own initiative that she was investigated for the diagnosis.
"There is so little knowledge and understanding out there. This is an invisible but very real and challenging condition to live with". Never feeling like she could complete tasks, stay focused or master everyday tasks has affected her and gradually Heidel's memory." The body compensates in high gear, because the brain can't find the essential balance that neurotypical people naturally have."
Investigation in adulthood
She found a list of symptoms online and ticked all the boxes. The family doctor referred for investigation and a lot fell into place, and she felt a great relief when it was confirmed. She was given medication which was very helpful. "The bees didn't buzz as much, and I got an insight into how 'everyone else' feels."
Heidel and her husband live together with three cats in a cozy house. The sun and Heidel shine equally bright this day, and she radiates a wonderful energy and charisma as she opens the doors to her home and her story.
The diagnosis allows her to let the mask fall and be open and finally realize that there is nothing wrong with her - she "just" has ADHD. "Great demands are placed on functional ability at school, at work and in life in general. I'm sure I would be able to tell a different story if I had been diagnosed at a young age."
Assistive technology centre
She didn't know there was assistive technology and neither did the investigator or the supervisor she met in connection with work clarification. Together they found the way to the assistive technology centre and Heidel speaks loudly and gladly about how professionally she was received at the Assistive technology centre in Rogaland, Norway. "He was so professional, had so much knowledge and met me in a respectful and solution-oriented way. I was moved to tears when I saw all the possibilities and how the assistive technology met my extensive list of needs. There was no doubt that it was MEMOplanner that I should have!"

Helps both me and my family
MEMOplanner is a time and planning aid that visualizes what day and time of day it is, and what activities are planned for this day, week and month. The user receives clear reminders and help with, for example, checklists.

Heidel's MEMOplanner was given a central place in the house, where she can see it from the sofa and the kitchen table. She enters her own activities and reminders directly on the large screen on the wall. This central location is a key ingredient to ensure it is used and not forgotten. Routines, checklists, birthdays, tasks, meetings, to-do lists, decision-making support and more. "It really has EVERYTHING I need. And with the app on my phone, I have my lists with me and get a notification on my watch when an activity starts."
She also says that it is a relief for her husband, who has been her important support for a long time. "Obviously dealing with this diagnosis is tiring for those around you, so this assistive technology is something that helps the whole family."
Use your superpowers whenever you can
Knowing the diagnosis can also help discern what is positive about the symptoms. "I use hyperfocus to absorb knowledge and learn about the diagnosis. And know that when I'm full of energy, it's useful to use the energy to do housework, for example."
In her research, she found neuropsychiatrist Russel B. Barkley who expressed her symptoms and challenges in such a simple and clear way. It was both useful and engaging to find all the information.
ADHD Norway
It also inspired her to become a member of "ADHD Norway" where she gained access to very many relevant resources and measures.
"It was so good to meet "my people - my tribe" in the form of conversation partners, courses and not least the ADHD café which is organized at a fixed time every month. There I meet many others with the same diagnosis, and we can share experiences and views and talk freely. “It's incredibly rewarding."
But why can't you just use a regular iPhone?
It's that simple, isn't it?
But occupational therapist and assistive technology consultant Guro Lilleby from Abilia points out the differences, which may be small, but makes a big difference. "It is an aid that is permanently mounted on the wall, preferably in a central place in the home so that it is impossible to avoid seeing it. There are simple menus and options for individual customization that make it possible to remove buttons that the user does not need to deal with. Support persons can be invited to add activities to the calendar remotely via the myAbilia online service. Connected to the activities, you can add additional information in the form of a checklist, note or video, which contributes to good cognitive support. The software is 'locked' to the device, so no risk of being distracted by other things."
It is, in short, only one thing – not a TV, computer or games.
There is clear visualization of time, orientation in time, countdowns, to-do lists and checklists. Everything collected in a simplified menu. Alarms and reminders can be selected with audio alarm, voice message or visual alarm only by blowing up the image to full screen.

My organizer
"My MEMOplanner is my very own organizer, it repeats messages as often as I need it, guides me through to-do lists and helps me complete tasks - and it never gets annoyed with me," says Heidel, laughing.
"There is a lot to remember when I have to pack my bag for the therapy bath. But I can easily check off the checklist and be sure that everything is included. Then I don't have to stress and think too much about it afterwards."
Training and practice
Heidel received guidance and training from Guro in digital meetings and she finds this training very helpful in visualising the possibilities. Technically speaking, MEMOplanner is very easy to understand, but many people need some tips and advice about the different possibilities that exist and what might be good to include.
"I usually don't recommend products because I have a long list of requirements and needs, but I highly recommend MEMOplanner. This works so well for me, and I hope more people in my situation will discover that this aid exists."